American Sign Language
American Sign Language (ASL) is growing in usage everyday. Many states have passed laws recognizing ASL as a complete and natural language. Hundreds of colleges and universities throughout America now accept ASL in fulfillment of language entrance and exit requirements. More and more television stations are using sign language in their programs and advertising. More and more employers are looking for applicants who can sign. They know that having signers on their staff can contribute toward a good faith showing of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar legislation. A snowball effect is taking place as more and more people learn to use American Sign Language.
ASL Program

American Sign Language Certificate
The American Sign Language certificate of achievement gives students the opportunity to document their skills in the ASL language and the knowledge of deaf culture. The certificate of achievement is evidence of the student's academic persistence and achievement in the language and cultural studies for employment and professional advancement. The certificate demonstrates the recipient's ability to perform the following: employ an extended sign vocabulary and use their expressive and receptive skills in conversation; incorporate knowledge of the customs and culture of the deaf community into their conversational skills; incorporate knowledge of the customs and culture of the deaf community into their conversational skills; perform the accurate use of non-manual behaviors and classifiers.
ASL Courses
4 Units (Lec 4 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 6A)
Elementary course for students without prior exposure to American Sign Language. Develops comprehension, communication, and grammatical/lexical skills in American Sign Language at the ACTFL Proficiency Novice-Mid Level, and introduces Deaf culture and community. Corresponds to the first two years of high school American Sign Language.
4 Units (Lec 4 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 6A)
Prerequisite: ASL 001
Continues the development of comprehension, communication, and grammatical/lexical skills in American Sign Language at the ACTFL Proficiency Novice-High Level, and furthers understanding of Deaf culture and community.
4 Units (Lec 4 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 3B, 6A)
Prerequisite: ASL 002
Development of intermediate American Sign Language in comprehension, communication, and grammatical/lexical skills at the ACTFL Proficiency Intermediate-Mid Level, and practice interpreting Deaf culture and community.
2 Units (Lec 2 Hrs) Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: ASL 002 Provides opportunities for practical conversation at the ACTFL Proficiency Intermediate-Low Level on everyday topics, cultural material, and expansion of vocabulary according to student interest or need.
1 Units (Lec 1 Hr)
Transfer Credit: CSU
Prerequisite: ASL 002
Develops basic skills in receptive and expressive fi ngerspelling. Overview of topics include hand positioning, hand shape, fluency, and numbers. Strongly recommended for prospective teachers, interpreters, and other professionals working with deaf people. Course taught in American Sign Language.
3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC
Open to all students. No knowledge of American Sign Language is required. Focuses on the cultural, historical, philosophical, educational, psychological, and social aspects of the deaf and hard of hearing.
ASL Faculty