Password Help
Logging in to Lab Computers and the Wireless Network
- Student accounts are automatically issued three days after enrolling for a class. As a courtesy, we also automatically create accounts for ITV students.
- Student accounts are deleted automatically at the end of each semester.
- In the computer labs, log in using your College Network Account username and password.
- Your Username is the first 2 letters of your first name + the first 2 letters of your last name + the last 5 digits your student ID
- (e.g. John Smith ID#881234567 = josm34567)
- Your Password is your birth month and day
- (e.g. February 26 = 0226)
- After using a computer, always remember to log off - you are responsible for anything done with your network account.
- For assistance with login problems, ask the staff in the lab, or go to the Welcome Center in the Student Services building.
Wireless connection is available throughout the campus with a few exceptions
- Connect to the LACCD_Students WiFi network.
- Open a browser, and type the address (URL) for any website such as “”, and you will be prompted to login.
- Log in using your Student Information System (SIS) ID number and password. Your SIS username and password is the same as the one used to access your PeopleSoft dashboard, and email account.
- Be sure to check "I accept the terms and conditions" before clicking “Signing in”.Using the wireless network indicates that you accept the terms and conditions.