MESA Textbook Lending Library

The MESA LACC offers STEM textbooks for loan through our Textbook Lending Library.  Stop by the MESA Center for more information.



Available STEM Textbooks

Bio 7 - Lab Manual-Los Angeles City College, Vodopich and Moore, ISBN:978-1-260-07039-2

  • Chemistry (Loose-Leaf)W/"Modified" Access Code Bundle, Brown, ISBN:978-0-13-480966-3
  • Organic Chem Loose-Leaf Loose-Leaf+Sol Manual/Stdy GD 6, Loudon, ISBN:978-1-319-09232-0

  • Data Structures Using C++, Malik, ISBN:978-0-324-78201-1 (2E)
  • C++ : From Control Structures through Objects, Gaddis, 978-0-13-449837-9 (9E)

  • Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Irwin, ISBN:978-1-118-53929-3 (11E)
  • Materials Science and Engineering, Callister and Rethwisch, 978-1-118-32457-8 (9E)
  • Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Statics, Beer, Johnson, and Mazurek, 978-0-07-768730-4 (11E)

  • Elem Linear Algebra, Larson, ISBN:978-1-337-13121-6
  • Elem Stat LL 4th ED+Aleks, Navidi, ISBN:978-1-265-93338-8
  • Calculus BNDL W/LL 9th txt, Stewart, ISBN:978-0-357-53168-6
  • Precalculus Loose-Leaf+Web Assign 7, Stewart, ISBN:978-0-357-29327-0
  • First Course In Differential Equations Loose-Leaf+Web, Zill, ISBN:978-1-337-60499-4

  • Physics - Vol 1, Openstax, 978-1-938168-27-7
  • Physics-Volume 1-Chapters 1-20, Giancoli, 978-0-558-87654-8
  • Physics-Volume 2-Chapters 21-35, Giancoli, 978-0-558-87655-5
  • Physics-Volume 3-Chapters 36-44, Giancoli, 978-0-558-87656-2

MESA Lending Library Process

  1. You must be a MESA student.  If you are not a MESA student, visit the MESA Center (Life Science 206) to inquire on MESA program participation.  
  2. Visit the MESA Center and complete/submit textbook loan request form.
  3. MESA Director will review and finalize approval for textbook loan.  

MESA Program

Hours and Location

Monday to Thursday: 10:30 am - 7 pm
Friday:  By Appointment

Life Sciences Building, 206


Maria Calpito
MESA Director
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2196