
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 08/20/2024

Urquiza, Soraira

Uzunyan, Alvard

Valdez, Benjamin

Valle, Gustavo

Vargas, Wilhelm

Vaughn, Jennifer

Vazquez, Juan

Velasquez, Pablo

Vidal, Joseph

Villa, Andrea

Villalobos, Catherine

Villanueva, Ismael

Villavicencio, Edith

Villeda, Karina

Vu, Huong

Walzer, Andrew

Wanner, Dan

Washenik, Julie

Weiss, Maureen

West, Brian

Wiesenfeld, Alexandra

Willis, Colette

Windt, Neil

Witherspoon, Wendy

Wolf, Clinton

Wolfson, Michele

Woo, Stanley

Wooten, Terry

Wusnack, Terry

Yanes, Tania

Yazdanian, Mahmood

Yernazian, Carolina

Yonemura, Vernon

Yonge, Wanda

Yuh, Leighanne

Zakaryan, Lusine

Zaldana, Jessica

Zambrano, Euro

Zavala, Jasmine

Zesati-Palacios, Gabriela