
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 12/11/2024

Lee, Frank

Lee, Fredrick

Lee, Houa

Lee, Seung-Ah

Lee, Seung Eun

Lee, Chiusang

Lee, Vincent

Leiderman, Tanner

Leiva, Paula

Lemon, William

Lesner, Jason

Lessing, Angela

Leung, John

Lewis, Richard

Li, Richard

Limon, Sol

Lin, Carol

Lindsay, Robert

Lineberger, Taqwuana

Lobenstein, Andrew

Long, Benjamin

Longo, Andrew

Lopez, Israel

Lopez, Joseph

Lopez, Steven

Lopez, Michael

Lorentz, Nathaniel

Loschuk, Victoria

Lucido, Clifford

Luna Jansa, Elizabeth

Luong, Kelvin

Lutton, Tommy

Ly, Vi

Lynch, John

Ma, Thi Thi

Macias, Angel

Maddren, Zachariah

Maeck, Alexandra

Maldonado, Carlos

Man, Sui Wing

Manafa, Joseph

Manill, Loretta

Manos, Harry

Manous, Michael

Manrique, George

Mardirosian, Robert

Markum, Travis

Marlos, Daniel

Marquez, Allyson Paige

Marquez, Rene