
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 08/20/2024

Porche, Saadia

Preciado, Enrique

Quijada, Angel

Quispe, Alfredo

Ramadan, Olga

Rambo, Terrell

Ramirez, Angelica

Ramos, Gilbert

Reyes, Caroline

Reyes, Luis

Robinson, Daryl

Robles Mendez, Natividad

Rocheleau, Carrie

Rodriguez, Beatriz

Rodriguez Encinas, Adan

Rodriguez, Jose

Rodriguez, Juan

Romero, Eric

Romo, Guadalupe

Rossiter, Christopher

Rothbaum, Amos

Rubalcava, Rocio

Ruiz, Daniel

Ruiz, Sulma

Rule, William

Ruta, Richmond

Ryan-Rubio, Kelly

Saakyan Regalado, Ani

Sahakyan, Hayk

Salazar, Alma

Salazar, Carlos

Salazar, Juliet

Sambrano, Robert

Samplewala, Munir

Samson, Marie

Sanchez, Jessica

Sanchez, Mario

Sanders, Layahna

Santiago, Grace

Sargsian, Naira

Sarvi, Kayvon

Saysay, Karen Lyn

Sedghi, David

Segura, Karen

Segura, Michelle

Seja, Lishea

Sever, Kirk

Shawver, Nicole

Shepherd, Lawrence

Shields, Dylan