
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 01/21/2025

Gilbert, Jeffrey

Go, Anna Elaiza Dewin

Gomez, Cynthia

Gomez, Kimberly

Gomez, Jesus

Gonsalves, Gregory

Gonzalez, Randy

Gordon, Elizabeth

Goulet, Camille

Gray, Kamale

Gregoryona, Tiana

Griffin, Vernon

Grigoryan, Anahit

Grosch, Darren

Guce, Larissa

Guerra, Daisy

Guerrero, Carlos

Guess, Rhonda

Guppy, Kimberly

Guzman, Jose

Hakobyan, Gayane

Hamasyan, VARDUHI

Hamilton, Ann

Haproff, Michael

Harrington, Kahlil

Harrison, Niki

Hastey, Raymond

Haywood-Daley, Jasminee

Heisser, Christina

Hendricks, Sharon

Hentschel, Donald

Hernandez Alfaro, Izabell

Hernandez-Uribe, Daniel

Hernandez, Argelia

Hernandez, Carlos

Hetman, Michael

Hicks, Jeffrey

Ho, Amy

Hofrichter, Andrew

Hofschneider, Lauren

Holzner, Julie

Hong, Mickey

Howard, Terry

Hsieh, Mei-Ling

Iazichyan, Diana

Igoudin, Alex

Jackson, Anika

Jackson, Christopher

Jackson, Deryl

Janacua, Andres