At A Glance
Total Students
13,247 Credit Students
2,318 Noncredit Students
56.3% of students are Female
41.1% of students are Male
1.0% of students are Non-Binary
1.5% of students are Unknown
8.5% of students are African American
0.2% of students are American Indian
13.0% of students are Asian/Pacific Islander
54.9% of students are Hispanic/Latino
17.9% of students are White
3.4% of students are Two or More Races
2.2%of students are Unknown
30.0% of Students are Under 20
23.8% of Students are 20 to 24 years old
25.4% of Students are 25 to 34 years old
15.6% of Students are 35 to 54 years old
5.2% of Students are 55 and older
45.0% of Students want to Transfer to a Four Year University
18.0% of Students want a General Education
13.0% of Students want to Achieve an AA / Vocational
7.0% of Students want Transitional education
17.0% Undecided/Unknown
20.6% of Students take 12 Units or more each semester
30.4% of Students take 6 to 11 Units each semester
49.0% of Students take 5 Units or less each semester
43.6% of Students are First Generation College Students
69.3% of Students Receive Financial Aid