Department of Chemistry
Welcome to the Los Angeles City College Department of Chemistry!
The Los Angeles City College Department of Chemistry is dedicated to Student Success. Here you will find highly rigorous courses aimed at successful transfer to Universities, General Education requirements, and our new Food Chemistry program aimed at gainful employment in the Food Industry (Starting in the Spring 2024 Semester).
All of our courses are fully articulated to the University of California and California State University systems. Our curriculum satisfies the IGETC and CSU physical science requirements for those interested in General Education Physical Science mandates.
We have an Associate Transfer Degree to the University of California System (The UCPT Degree) for students interested in transferring to the UCs majoring in Chemistry.
We are developing a Food Chemistry (Science) program that will train students to be gainfully employed in the Food Industry once they graduate from our program. The program will also enable students to transfer into higher level Food Chemistry / Science programs. The Program will begin in Spring 2024 with the Chemistry 071 - Introductory Food Chemistry class.
Our Class Schedules are flexible in that all of our classes are taught in the daytime or nighttime.
We have Directed Studies programs for students interested in Undergraduate Chemistry Research. In fact we are one of the incredibly rare Community Colleges that have published in Peer-Reviewed Journals.

State-Of-The-Art Laboratories and Equipment
The Los Angeles City College Department of Chemistry is equipped with the latest in Spectroscopic and other Analytical equipment to serve our students. We house two introductory chemistry laboratories, one general chemistry laboratory, and one organic chemistry laboratory. There are plans to build a Food Chemistry / General Chemistry laboratory to serve our new Food Chemistry Program.
Mission Statement
The mission of the LACC Department of Chemistry is to deliver a contemporary, rigorous curriculum in all of our disciplines at every level to prepare our students for transfer and the workforce, and to teach with a student-friendly and learning-centered approach to allow students to achieve their goals and to meet and exceed established educational and industry standards.